Weber State University (WSU) has developed an ‘open-source’ antenna-pattern measurement system physically comprised of software-defined radios (SDRs), Arduino microcontroller and 3-D printed hardware. The student-designed measurement testbed was supported by the Utah NASA Space Grant Consortium. The ‘open-source’ prototype integrates Python, GNU Radio Companion, and Linux on a single laptop PC. The system is portable and used for education- and industry-outreach.
The Python-GNU Radio Companion software is now available in a GitHub-WSU repository. Recently, a prototype was delivered/loaned to a Naval laboratory for assessment.
The following paper describes an evolving collaboration between WSU-ECE and NSWCDD-DNA. Potential applications of the prototype are discussed. In addition, the current status and future improvements of the hardware and software are detailed.
Talk Length | 15 Minutes |
Link to Open Source Code | https://github.com/chhearn/WSU_AUTpaTT |