Sep 5 – 9, 2023
ASU Memorial Union (2nd Floor)
US/Arizona timezone
GRCon23 will be running from Tuesday Sept 5 to Saturday Sept 9 this year.

Reviewer's Guide

Link to Reviewer Page: (Reviewer Access Only*)

Contact Organizer Leads: or in Matrix Chat (Reviewer Access Only*)

For any questions please make use of Matrix Chat for best “realtime” support from other volunteers

*Please email if you are interested in becoming a reviewer.

Submission Overall Score Scale

5 - Highly Recommend Accept: Exciting and relevant to GRCon Attendees   
4 - Recommend Accept: Relevant and interesting topics for GRCon Attendees   
3 - Borderline Accept: Content has some merits and is relevant to GRCon Attendees   
2 - Weak Reject: Quality or content not very relevant to GRCon Attendees   
1 - Strong Reject: Quality or content is poor and not relevant to GRCon Attendees

Note: GRCon Attendees come from a number of different backgrounds, e.g. industry, academia, hobbyists, hackers.  As GRCon Organizers we like to provide a diverse program ranging from deeply technical to interesting but not necessarily GNU Radio or SDR focused.  

Please keep in mind though, that GRCon is funded heavily by our generous sponsors, and it is generally frowned upon to have "marketing" talks in the main track not labeled as sponsor talks.  If anything looks like it is coming from that angle, we need to communicate back to the submitter and clarify if it is indeed a Sponsor Talk, and classify/schedule it as such.

Step-by-Step Reviewers Guide

  1. If you don’t have one, sign up for the Indico account (see top right of GRCon website).
  2. Once you have an account, email and ask to be added as a reviewer.
  3. Go to Indico sign in and make sure you have the “Reviewing Area” page visible, it’s under the Call for Participation section of the menu on the left.
  4. You’ll see a list of topics (“Tracks”) you are a “Reviewer” for and the number of items that need review next to it.
  5. Click on a Topic area waiting for review, start with the one that sounds most interesting.
  6. Click on one of the items. If the content has been “Accepted” or “Rejected” there is no need for further review. 
  7. Unfortunately, we do not currently have the ability for “blind” abstract review. Please do your best to be impartial and focus on the material content.
  8. To leave a review:
    • Scroll down below the abstract and there should be a Review button, click it.
    • Fill out the form.  The “You may propose a contribution type…” is meant for if the contribution type was filled out wrong by the submitter, so leave it default if it appears fine.
    • If the talk feels sponsor-y feel free to choose Yes for “Candidate for a Sponsor Talk?”, or leave it default if you don’t know.
  9. One you have reviewed a submission you’ll see a little checkbox next to it when you refresh the list of submissions for each topic: