Sep 5 – 9, 2023
ASU Memorial Union (2nd Floor)
US/Arizona timezone
GRCon23 will be running from Tuesday Sept 5 to Saturday Sept 9 this year.

Visualization of Signal Processing for Radio Astronomy

Sep 5, 2023, 2:30 PM
Arizona (MU 221) (ASU Memorial Union 2nd Floor)

Arizona (MU 221)

ASU Memorial Union 2nd Floor

Talk GNU Radio in Education Main Track


Kaitlyn Ashcroft (Arizona State University)


The Completely Hackable Amateur Radio Telescope (CHART), is an initiative to create a radio telescope that is both low tech and low cost, making it easily accessible to anyone. The base design is optimized to look at the Milky Way and capture the hydrogen 21 cm line. The CHART project includes a base design that consists of a cardboard telescope and an RTL-SDR module programmed with GNURadio. In a prior iteration the data capture was done using a gnuradio python script. Here we describe a new version built in GNURadio companion with the aim of improving student understanding and encouraging modification. The template in a visual programming language can be easily replicated by new users. Custom blocks simplify the signal flow , and the use of GRC makes the signal processing steps clear and provides a fun and accessible tool set for anyone interested in radio astronomy.

Talk Length N/A
Link to Open Source Code

Primary author

Kaitlyn Ashcroft (Arizona State University)

Presentation materials