Sep 5 – 9, 2023
ASU Memorial Union (2nd Floor)
US/Arizona timezone
GRCon23 will be running from Tuesday Sept 5 to Saturday Sept 9 this year.

Design of a 1296 MHz SDR Radio System for EME

Sep 8, 2023, 1:15 PM
Arizona (MU 221) (ASU Memorial Union 2nd Floor)

Arizona (MU 221)

ASU Memorial Union 2nd Floor

Talk Amateur (HAM) Radio Main Track


Dennis Rosenauer


EME or Earth Moon Earth communications requires sensitive receivers, relatively high power transmitters and signal processing to be able to communicate by reflecting a signal off the moon. This talk will discuss the system and RF design details in making an EME capable station. The topics include the system link budget, antenna requirements, detailed RF receiver and transmitter design.

The signal processing path will be discussed in detail including the auxiliary control functions for tracking and real time frequency control. Results will be shown for a functioning system.

Talk Length 30 Minutes

Primary author

Presentation materials