Sep 5 – 9, 2023
ASU Memorial Union (2nd Floor)
US/Arizona timezone
GRCon23 will be running from Tuesday Sept 5 to Saturday Sept 9 this year.

File Transfer using Packet and BPSK

Sep 8, 2023, 10:30 AM
Arizona (MU 221) (ASU Memorial Union 2nd Floor)

Arizona (MU 221)

ASU Memorial Union 2nd Floor

Talk Main Track


Barry Duggan (GNU Radio)


A project was created with the following objectives:

  • Send a file without repeating it.
  • Use Packet formatting.
  • Use BPSK modulation.
  • Provide a means for the receiver to synchronize with the BPSK before the file is sent.

The talk will present the issues faced with meeting the objectives and describe how each piece was achieved. Simulated and live transmissions will be presented.

Talk Length 30 Minutes
Link to Open Source Code
Acknowledge Acknowledge In-Person

Primary author

Barry Duggan (GNU Radio)

Presentation materials