Sep 26 – 30, 2022
Capital Hilton
US/Eastern timezone
All GRCon talks are now available to watch at

Call for Participation Guidelines

Key Dates

Call for Participation Opened March 25, 2022

Call for Participation Closes July 17, 2022 (only abstracts due by this point)

Slide Submission Deadline September 25, 2022 (see Presenter's Guide for more details)

General Overview

You may make one or more submissions under the following categories for presentation at GRCon. In addition to submitting a presentation, you may submit a paper to the Technical Proceedings of GRCon. You do not need to submit a paper to the Proceedings in order to present at GRCon.

Talks are either 15 or 30 minutes long, including a few minutes reserved for audience questions at the end, and only live talks will be accepted, no remote/prerecorded talks.  Each presentation should be a slide-deck that can be shared publicly (PDF) after the conference. Real-world results using GNU Radio and hardware will be favored over simulation-only work.  Talks that involve heavy advertising/marketing but are not labeled as sponsor talks will likely be rejected. 

Talks will be live-streamed, as well as recorded and published on the GNU Radio YouTube channel after the conference.

Papers can be submitted with or without a talk. Authors are encouraged to attend the conference, but it is not a requirement for paper acceptance. Detailed real-world results using GNU Radio are encouraged.

Full papers are not due until the first day of GRCon; only an abstract is required to be submitted (see call for participation abstract due date).  We request that papers are formatted according to this LibreOffice Template or LaTeX class

Workshops are 1–4 hours long, and should have an educational or “How-To” approach, with a large hands on portion. If slides are used, they should be publicly shareable (PDF) after the conference.

Posters can display any type of material that you believe is interesting to the community, and while most posters are technical, they don’t have to be.

Breakout Sessions are topical sessions traditionally held on the Friday of GRCon. Propose to lead a session to gather experts in specific area (e.g. Documentation, GRC, Ham Radio, Runtime, Hardware Accelerators) and discuss future development.

Lightning Talks* are very concise (4-5 minutes), talks on topics of high interest to GNU Radio users and developers, and provide a chance for new presenters to share their use cases, projects or demos.

*For GRCon22, Lightning Talks can only be submitted in-person at the conference.