CyberEther offers a GPU accelerated frequency sink interface (2D Waterfall, Lineplot, Spectrogram). It works natively using modern graphical APIs like Metal, Vulkan, and WebGPU. The internal Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is accelerated whenever possible using parallel computing APIs like CUDA, Metal, and Vulkan. By being modular, CyberEther can adapt to the target device and run with the...
Spacecraft in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) typically have communications windows lasting between 5 and 15 minutes. With limited datarates and significant amounts of information to be synced, many satellite missions cannot afford the time it takes for an operator to manually send commands -- especially if human error comes into play. Large communications companies and deep space operations have...
Using GNU Radio on Android platforms has not always been straightforward. First developments started in 2015 when Tom Rondeau presented a paper at GRCON2015 running GNURadio on android. In 2020 Bastian Bloessl continued this work by providing a Docker image that supports building Android applications for GNU Radio 3.8 using some popular hardware frontends as well as adding other...
This course is an introduction and survey of signal processing for beginner and intermediate levels. The course will introduce basic math concepts fundamental to and applications of signal processing. The course will explore properties of signals and systems including spectral estimation, detection and information theory.
In this RF Machine Learning talk, we introduce the Sig53 dataset, the open-source TorchSig toolkit, and competitive baselines for the task of signal classification using the newly introduced dataset. The Sig53 dataset is a narrowband signals dataset consisting of 5 million synthetically generated samples from 53 different signal classes and expertly chosen impairments meant to accelerate...
Traditionally, adding hardware interaction to a GNU Radio or Python program, has been challenging. Libraries, drivers, device tree overlays, and GNURadio modules must all be configured properly and tested. Often times, the Linux kernel would need to be rebuilt with the desired drivers enabled. While this is not difficult for an engineer that is familiar with the process, it can still be a...
Enoncean is an IoT protocol used in industrial IoT devices. This talk will cover the process of developing an OOT module to process the signals from a few representative devices. The signal is a packet based signal. The work is currently in progress but will be completed before GRCon. The plan is to release the OOT Module at GRCon. GNU Radio 3.10 will be used for the effort.
The Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) within 5G provides interoperability and standardization of RAN elements for hardware and open source software elements from different vendors. O-RAN is, unlike legacy cellular networks, open. It facilitates the integration of software largely developed on Linux platforms and hardware not exclusively developed/chosen by the big players in the cellular...
In this talk I will give an overview of the SETI Institute, including our broad collaboration with GNU Radio, and opportunities for you to get involved.
In this presentation we talk about all the recent updates to the USRP product line, UHD, and RFNoC. We will give some examples of how our most recent features and products can enable you to build SDR applications in all sorts of domains and conquer the world of RF signals!
Dr. Stefanie Tompkins is the director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Prior to this assignment, she was the vice president for research and technology transfer at Colorado School of Mines.
Tompkins has spent much of her professional life leading scientists and engineers in developing new technology capabilities. She began her industry career as a senior scientist...
Accelerators in GNU Radio have been previously limited to requiring the selection of an accelerator tor framework/block at design time. In this talk and associated paper, we present a preliminary investigation into supporting two new capabilities with GNU Radio: first, we illustrate the ability to execute GNU Radio blocks across a variety of heterogeneous accelerators (FPGA and GPU). Second,...
Weber State University (WSU) has developed an ‘open-source’ antenna-pattern measurement system physically comprised of software-defined radios (SDRs) and 3-D printed hardware. An Arduino microcontroller and low-cost stepper motors make up the position control system. The present WSU ‘open-source’ prototype integrates Python, GNU Radio Companion, and Linux on a single laptop PC. GNU Radio...
FISSURE is an open-source RF and reverse engineering framework built around GNU Radio. It is designed for all skill levels with hooks for signal detection and classification, protocol discovery, attack execution, IQ manipulation, vulnerability analysis, automation, and AI/ML. The framework supports the rapid integration of out-of-tree modules, flow graphs, radios, protocols, signal data,...
Discuss the current state and future of GNU Radio documentation.
The QT GUI Widgets in GNU Radio have been identified as needing a serious refresh. With so many great open source visualization libraries available, and stunning GUIs in other SDR applications - what is the best path forward for GNU Radio's officially supported GUI widgets?
There have been some great examples of GNU Radio well-integrated with FPGA based platforms for signal processing, such as RFNoC for Ettus radios, or Amalthea as an experimental SDR platform. However, there is no standard approach for coming to such a solution, and these solutions are not portable.
How can GNU Radio better integrate and co-exist with more generic hardware including RFSoC,...
Deep dive into the new developments of GRC with QT, and share feedback for what GRC should look like / entail in the future
Time to meet up and chat. May very well involve into a group dinner. All are welcome.
Planning and construction of non-geostationary satellite constellations providing communications/data has exploded in the past several years. The use of spectrum by these systems is constrained by international treaty and domestic agencies, with attempts to coordinate existing and future users at both centimeter and millimeter radio wavelengths underway. Radio astronomy is a key activity...
In this workshop, we dive into our newly-introduced RFML toolkit, TorchSig. We step through the installation process, dataset generation examples, data augmentation pipelines, and example training scripts using the Sig53 dataset as well as fine-tuning to over custom datasets. Please join us for this code walkthrough and bring any questions on the toolkit’s capabilities and how it can be...
This presentation explores the challenges of geolocating radio frequency transmitters in real-world environments using software-defined radios (SDR). This research aims to better understand this problem in pursuit of a solution that would be signal agnostic and operate throughout commonly used VHF and UHF bands from 30-3000MHz. With this broad requirement in mind, a time difference of arrival...
Gr-iio is a module based around the Industrial Input/Output (IIO) framework,
which has been in the upstream Linux kernels since 2011 and is responsible for
handling sensors, converters, integrated transceivers, and other real-world
I/O devices. It provides a hardware abstraction layer with a consistent API
for the user-space applications. The IIO framework supports discrete
components as...
The Allen Telescope Array (ATA) located in Northern California is a radio telescope optimized for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). The instrument is composed of 42 directional randomly distributed antennas with a maximum baseline of 300 meters. The recently upgraded cryo-cooled log-periodic antenna feed (Antonio Feed) is sensitive to a wide range of frequencies, 0.9-12 GHz....
Millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications is gaining traction with commercial deployments, but the research community still lacks experimental platforms for prototyping and validating their contributions in real-world settings. Due to the prohibitive cost and complexity of developing Software-defined Radios (SDRs) that natively operate in the mmWave band, a few research efforts explore bridging...
Jupiter’s moon Europa is a target of high scientific interest to the planetary science and astrobiology community due to its liquid-water ocean beneath a many kilometers-thick ice shell [1,2]. Future ice shell penetrating missions aiming to investigate the potentially habitable under-ice environment require SWAP-limited (Size Weight and Power) technology and auxiliary systems. Potential...
Dan Romanchik KB6NU from ARDC is putting on a Tech class review Q&A prior to the Amateur Radio exams. Feel free to use this room for individual studying, or to get help from Dan. It is highly recommended to start studying prior to GRCon, Dan has created a series of free Technician Class study guides which can be found here
Twenty Years of Utilizing Software-Defined Radio in University Research, Teaching, and Collaboration: From a Single USRP Beta to SpectrumX
This talk will share reflections on applying and developing several software-defined radio (SDR) platforms as foundational tools in academic research, teaching, and collaboration activities pursued by my group at the University of Notre Dame over the...
As part of International Atomic Time (TAI -- Temps Atomique International) definition, national observatories regularly share their atomic (hydrogen, cesium ...) clock signals through geostationary satellite links. The Two Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer (TWSTFT) system has been developed to cancel the impact of the microwave link and synchronize clocks distributed continents away...
We present our ultra reliable low latency over-the-air communication system implementation in GNU Radio. This includes our Out-of-Tree modules for multicarrier synchronization, GFDM modulation, polar coding, and symbol mapping. We demonstrate how we use GNU Radio with USRPs on our Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and as part of our base station to realize a full transceiver. This will include...
DIFI is a new IEEE open standard for streaming digitized RF/IF samples and corresponding metadata over standard IP networks, opening potential for true interoperability between SDRs and real-time signal processing hardware and software. DIFI is a specific schema for VITA 49.2, and it uses UDP as the transport layer. DIFI was originally tailored to overcome the vendor lock-in that has been...
This presentation gives an overview of mathematical concepts used for signal representation in communication systems. Topics covered include: baseband/bandpass signals; signal duration/bandwidth and the time-bandwidth product; representations of bandpass signals in terms of baseband equivalents (I/Q components and envelope/phase); signal mixing and the superheterodyne principle; sampling and...
The goal of the Sensor Open System Architecture (SOSA) consortium is to develop an open architecture for Communications (Comms), Electro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR), Electronic Warfare (EW), Radar, and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) systems. This talk serves as an introduction to SOSA and how SDRs fit into this open architecture.
In this work, we develop and implement a Faster Than Nyquist (FTN) signaling system using a Binary Phase-Shift Keying modulation (BPSK). The popular open-source, and radio-specific, signal processing application GNU Radio was used to develop transmitter and receiver architectures. These architectures were then deployed for execution on a variety of Software Defined Radio (SDR) hardware. The...
Constructing a framework for the development of SDR applications backed by heterogenous compute platforms has been the subject of significant development effort over a few decades, but no single framework has gained significant traction in the open-source SDR community. At the same time, machine-learning software has matured and made efficiently implementing tensor operations across CPU, GPU,...
Optical wireless communication (OWC) technologies have gained significant interest over the past two decades; however, early research focused on point-to-point links and novel modulation techniques. More recently, the field has moved towards higher layer design and analysis of multi-cell / multi-user systems, leading to novel schemes for resource allocation across devices and overlapping OWC...
FIT/CorteXlab is a radio testbed composed of 42 software defined radio nodes, among which, NI USRPs and Nutaq’s PicoSDRs. These nodes are enclosed in a shielded and semi-anechoic room, isolated from the outside radio environment which promotes reproducible radio experiments. Operational since 2014, it supports state-of-the-art radio experiments, in diverse areas such as cognitive radio, radio...
Building experimental radar systems has traditionally required expensive custom hardware. Such designs are typically difficult to program, preventing easy experimentation with new radar signal processing algorithms. While software-defined radio hardware is not inherently designed to operate as a radar, there have been numerous documented examples of software-defined radar implementations using...
We present a novel radio development platform with special customization features designed for a range of software-defined radio applications. The "Sparrow" board has been inspired by radio astronomy research and is a high-speed, dual input data acquisition system capable of digitizing signals with bandwidths up to 400 MHz. The mainboard is a baseband receiver that comes with a horizontally...