Sep 26 – 30, 2022
Capital Hilton
US/Eastern timezone
All GRCon talks are now available to watch at

gr-enocean, an OOT for industrial IoT

Sep 26, 2022, 3:20 PM
Presidential Ballroom (Capital Hilton)

Presidential Ballroom

Capital Hilton

Talk Digital Signal Processing Main Track


Mr Toby Flynn (Red Wire Technologies)


Enoncean is an IoT protocol used in industrial IoT devices. This talk will cover the process of developing an OOT module to process the signals from a few representative devices. The signal is a packet based signal. The work is currently in progress but will be completed before GRCon. The plan is to release the OOT Module at GRCon. GNU Radio 3.10 will be used for the effort.

Talk Length 15 Minutes
Acknowledge Acknowledge In-Person

Primary author

Mr Toby Flynn (Red Wire Technologies)

Presentation materials