Sep 26 – 30, 2022
Capital Hilton
US/Eastern timezone
All GRCon talks are now available to watch at

About the Organizers

The GRCon22 Organizer team is composed entirely of volunteers who spend countless hours taking care of the details to make the conference happen smoothly. Without them, GRCon would not happen at all!

Samantha Palazzolo

     Samantha is a wireless networking engineer and long time GNU Radio user.  She is a member of the GNU Radio General Assembly and has been helping to organize GRCon for the past few years (and attending them for even longer).

Derek Kozel

     Derek is President of GNU Radio and a Principal Investigator at the SETI Institute, acting as liason between the organizations. He's also persuing a PhD in high efficiency RF amplifier design at Cardiff University. He has been using and contributing to GNU Radio since 2013.

Josh Morman

    Josh is a Senior Research Scientist at Peraton Labs in Red Bank, NJ, and is also acting as the GNU Radio master branch maintainer, and heavily involved with the GR 4.0 runtime re-architecture. 

Barry Duggan

     Barry is a computer programmer, amateur radio operator (KV4FV), and devotes most of his time to the GNU Radio project. He led a large effort related to GNU Radio's documentation, filling out a large fraction of the "block doc" pages on the wiki, which are heavily used by GR users. For GRCon22, he and Marc Lichtman are leading the A/V production team.

Marc Lichtman

     Marc is a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft in the Azure Spectrum Technologies group, and teaches part time as an Adjunct Professor at University of Maryland in CS.  Marc, along with Derek and Martin, form the Board of GNU Radio.  

Andrej Rode

     Andrej is member of the GNU Radio General Assembly and Infrastructure maintainer for the GNU Radio project. For GRCon the IT services for registration, ticketing and publishing are setup and run with his help. He is pursuing a PhD at the Communication Engineering Lab of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Steve Croft

      Steve is a radio astronomer at UC Berkeley, where he leads Breakthrough Listen's SETI search on the Green Bank Telescope. He also directs Berkeley SETI's Research Experience for Undergraduates program. He has a joint affiliation with the SETI Institute, where he has helped to foster links between GNU Radio and SETI, including at the Allen Telescope Array.

Marcus Müller

    Marcus has stuck around the project for a while now, has been maintainer, soul of the mailing list and supplier of LaTeX explanations in various emails. Being raised in a thoroughly GNU Radio-friendly lab, he's still (and again) at the Communications Engineering Lab at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, pursuing, amongst coffee and other forms of happiness, a PhD in EE.

Special Thanks

SETI Institute

The SETI Institute is our co-organizer for GRCon. They've managed all of the finances for GRCon since 2020 in addition to providing support for contracts, communication, swag, and future planning.