Sep 26 – 30, 2022
Capital Hilton
US/Eastern timezone
All GRCon talks are now available to watch at

COVID Information

We are actively planning the in-person GRCon22 event in Washington DC and are taking every precaution to protect the health and safety of the attendees.

Coronavirus information and FAQs about Washington, DC

The Washington DC government maintains a website with current COVID guidelines which can be viewed at Travel Status Update. We will conform to its guidelines.

Hilton Hotel Statement

"We ask that you follow all local guidelines and laws with respect to practicing social distancing and wearing a mask in public areas. Please check with local public health and government authorities regarding guidelines or requirements that may be in place for the location of your stay." [ref: Face Coverings]

At the GRCon22 Registration Desk

  • With the unprecedented times, we are making adaptations to prioritize the safety of all attendees and our host location. Despite our best efforts there will still be some risk from COVID-19. Therefore, we will be requiring our in-person attendees to sign a COVID Acknowledgement document (we will have plenty of printed copies).

  • Attendees are strongly encouraged to wear a mask during the event. Masks will be available at the registration desk.