Sep 26 – 30, 2022
Capital Hilton
US/Eastern timezone
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TorchSig: An open-source signals processing machine learning toolkit

Sep 28, 2022, 1:00 PM
South America AB (Capital Hilton)

South America AB

Capital Hilton

Workshop RF Machine Learning Workshop


Dr Garrett Vanhoy (Peraton Labs)


In this workshop, we dive into our newly-introduced RFML toolkit, TorchSig. We step through the installation process, dataset generation examples, data augmentation pipelines, and example training scripts using the Sig53 dataset as well as fine-tuning to over custom datasets. Please join us for this code walkthrough and bring any questions on the toolkit’s capabilities and how it can be tailored for your specific use-cases.

Talk Length N/A
Acknowledge Acknowledge In-Person

Primary authors

Presentation materials