16–20 Sept 2024
Knoxville Convention Center (KCC)
US/Eastern timezone (UTC - 4)
GRCon24 will take place in Knoxville, TN from Sept 16-20

Distributed Analysis of Wireless at Nextscale

18 Sept 2024, 15:20
Ballroom AB (Knoxville Convention Center (KCC))

Ballroom AB

Knoxville Convention Center (KCC)

Talk Heterogeneous signal processing frameworks Main Track


Dr Michael Wise (ORNL)Dr Seth Hitefield (ORNL)


Distributed Analysis of Wireless at Nextscale (DAWN) is a novel simulation framework for large-scale designspace exploration (DSE) of unmodified software defined radio (SDR) applications interacting in a scalable, high-fidelity, virtual physics environment. The software-defined nature of the coupled software-based physics simulation leverages hardware emulation to permit in-depth examination and modification of not only the electromagnetic environment, including each signal in flight, but also the precise state of system software and components. DAWN supports modular, customizable physics environments allowing realistic propagation effects so that computationally efficient empirical models, reduced order/surrogate models, or large-scale, high-fidelity, site-specific simulations can be used as a propagation medium based on scenario requirements. DAWN uses GNU Radio in multiple ways including the channel simulation components and unmodified example SDR applications that run in the virtualized environment. This talk introduces DAWN’s design and initial implementation, detailing key architectural components, including the Physics Realization Engine (PhyRE), Runtime Infrastructure for Simulation Environments (RISE), and the design space exploration (DSE) suite. We also highlight how GNU Radio is integrated into the design and demonstrate how unmodified flowgraphs can be integrated and tested on computing resources ranging from a small cluster to ORNL’s Frontier Exascale system.

Talk Length 30 Minutes

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