16–20 Sept 2024
Knoxville Convention Center (KCC)
US/Eastern timezone
GRCon24 will take place in Knoxville, TN from Sept 16-20

Call for Participation

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

GRCon 2024 celebrates and showcases the substantial and remarkable progress of GNU Radio and its usage in a diverse field of applications and industries.

We invite developers and users from across the GNU Radio Community to present your projects, presentations, papers, posters, and problems at GNU Radio Conference 2024. Submit your talks, demos, and code!

Call for Participation Key Dates:

  • March 1 - Open for Abstract Submissions
  • June 17 - Abstract Submissions Close
  • July 12 - (Initial) Main Track Schedule Posted

🔗 Call for Participation Guidelines

Provides an overview of CfP process including contribution types.

🔗 Submission Guide

Instructions on how to submit an abstract.

The call for abstracts is closed.