Sep 16 – 20, 2024
Knoxville Convention Center (KCC)
US/Eastern timezone
GRCon24 will take place in Knoxville, TN from Sept 16-20

OFDM based Radar Sensing using Compressed Sensing

Sep 19, 2024, 1:45 PM
Ballroom AB (Knoxville Convention Center (KCC))

Ballroom AB

Knoxville Convention Center (KCC)

Paper (with talk) RADAR systems Main Track


Ruben Thill


Abstract — This paper discusses an approach for increasing
the resolution of an OFDM-based joint communication and sensing (JCAS) system, while keeping the used Spectrum constant. Against the background of the ever-increasing congestion of the spectrum, the fusion of discontinuous bands for radar sensing was recently discussed. In the context of communication-centric JCAS, the signal properties are designed to ensure efficient and reliable communications.
Meanwhile, sensing requires high bandwidths in order to assure resolution, which conflicts with the usually spectral efficient signal design for mobile communications, using as little bandwidth as needed. Assuming a multi-carrier signal, the signal can be sent in the manner of a gapped-spectrum. This means a signal will be emitted in which the carriers are distributed across the spectrum, leaving spectral gaps other participants may use for communication without deteriorating the performance of the JCAS- Systems' sensing capability. The carriers will become the supporting points for the sensing and since they are distributed over the available spectrum the bandwidth can artificially be increased for better resolution. With respect to the radar sensing, this structure defines a problem solvable by Compressed Sensing (CS). The algorithm is designed and shown in a simulation and proven to work in a lab setup using software defined radios (SDRs) which send and receive the data using GNURadio, currently the CS processing for radar sensing is done offline using python.

Talk Length 15 Minutes

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