Sep 16 – 20, 2024
Knoxville Convention Center (KCC)
US/Eastern timezone
GRCon24 will take place in Knoxville, TN from Sept 16-20

GNU Radio Software Defined Radio University Laboratory Curriculum Using the Lime Mini SDR 2.0, Raspberry Pi 5.0, and Raspberry Pi Zero 2.0 computers utilizing Project-Based Learning.

Sep 18, 2024, 3:50 PM
Ballroom AB (Knoxville Convention Center (KCC))

Ballroom AB

Knoxville Convention Center (KCC)

Talk Education (any level) Main Track


Liam McCarthy (Cal Poly SLO)


A graduate level course and summer research program covering Software Defined Radio topics is offered by the California Polytechnic State University Electrical Engineering Department. This presentation will outline the laboratory portion of the course that was developed and is available to the open-source community. The GNU Radio laboratory curriculum used the recently introduced Lime Mini 2.0 SDR along with the Raspberry Pi 5 and Raspberry Pi Zero 2 computers. The challenges, successes, and the laboratory curriculum for getting hardware and GNU Radio software compatibility using this equipment will be presented. Each of the students in the course was required to produce a custom GNU radio project that will be summarized and shared. The developed GNU radio laboratory curriculum will also form the basis for a 16- student summer undergraduate research program at Cal Poly. The focus of the 2024 summer research program will be using GNU radio to form mesh networks that are compatible with the open-source, LoRa based Cluster Duck Protocol ( Highlights of the GNU Radio mesh-network summer undergraduate research program will be presented at the conference.

Talk Length 30 Minutes

Primary author

Liam McCarthy (Cal Poly SLO)


Dennis Derickson (Cal Poly SLO) Mr Steve Dunton (Cal Poly SLO)

Presentation materials