Sep 20 – 24, 2021
In-Person & Virtual
US/Eastern timezone
In-Person Attendees Please See Updated COVID Information

NI: Meet the USRP Makers

Sep 23, 2021, 1:00 PM
Coliseum Ballroom (In-Person & Virtual)

Coliseum Ballroom

In-Person & Virtual

Sponsor Talk SDR Hardware Main Track


Martin Braun (GNU Radio)


Ettus Research / NI has been a proud sponsor of the GNU Radio conference since its inception. At previous conferences, we have generally presented our latest advancements in our SDR products to the community. In this talk, we want to present the people behind those USRPs: Members of the engineering teams that build your SDRs. We will have a short conversation with some of our engineers, see what they've been up to

Secondary Topic Other

Primary author

Martin Braun (GNU Radio)

Presentation materials