20–24 Sept 2021
In-Person & Virtual
US/Eastern timezone (UTC - 4)
In-Person Attendees Please See Updated COVID Information

Contribution List

97 / 97
20/09/2021, 08:45
Project Talk
Oscar Ekholm
20/09/2021, 14:15
GNU Radio Core Functionality

Overview of the new GRC View-Only feature

Steve Schilinski
20/09/2021, 15:20
Sponsor Lightning Talk
21/09/2021, 08:45
Project Talk
Keith Palmisano (Rampart Communications)
21/09/2021, 13:05
Sponsor Lightning Talk
22/09/2021, 08:45
Project Talk
22/09/2021, 09:00
Jeff Zurita (Deepwave Digital)
22/09/2021, 10:30
RF Machine Learning
Sponsor Lightning Talk
Hrishi Shelar
22/09/2021, 14:55
Sponsor Lightning Talk
23/09/2021, 08:45
Project Talk
Lauren Johnson
23/09/2021, 10:40
Wireless Spectrum Management
Sponsor Lightning Talk
Matthew Knight, Mr Marc Newlin
23/09/2021, 16:25
Wireless Spectrum Management
Sponsor Lightning Talk

Join us as we reveal the overall results of the Radio Resilience Competition, including prize presentations!

Derek Kozel (GNU Radio), Josh Morman, Samantha Palazzolo
23/09/2021, 16:30
Project Talk
24/09/2021, 08:45
Project Talk
Håkon Vågsether, Seth Hitefield
24/09/2021, 09:00
GNU Radio Core Functionality
Breakout Session (Friday Only)

Review the ongoing development of GRC and plan for the future

Session Chair: Håkon Vågsether

Samantha Palazzolo
24/09/2021, 10:45
Breakout Session (Friday Only)
Matt Ettus
24/09/2021, 12:00
Breakout Session (Friday Only)
Josh Morman (Peraton Labs)
24/09/2021, 14:00
Hardware Accelerated Applications
Breakout Session (Friday Only)

Discuss opportunities, approaches, and available libraries/utilities for accelerating GNU Radio using GPUs

Derek Kozel (GNU Radio)
Project Talk