Håkon Vågsether,
Seth Hitefield
9/24/21, 9:00 AM
GNU Radio Core Functionality
Breakout Session (Friday Only)
Review the ongoing development of GRC and plan for the future
Session Chair: Håkon Vågsether
Barry Duggan
(GNU Radio)
9/24/21, 11:00 AM
Breakout Session (Friday Only)
This breakout session will discuss aspects of our documentation such as:
- Block docs
- Tutorials
- Needs for other materials
Barry Duggan
(GNU Radio)
9/24/21, 1:00 PM
Amateur (HAM) Radio
Breakout Session (Friday Only)
The Ham Radio breakout session will focus on the application of GNU Radio within the amateur radio community. Some of the items to be covered are:
- modulation methods: FSK, NBFM, SSB
hardware examples - station control
- digital applications
- the future of the monthly video meetings
need coordinator/scheduler
need host/moderator
need contributors
Josh Morman
(Peraton Labs)
9/24/21, 2:00 PM
Hardware Accelerated Applications
Breakout Session (Friday Only)
Discuss opportunities, approaches, and available libraries/utilities for accelerating GNU Radio using GPUs