Sep 20 – 24, 2021
In-Person & Virtual
US/Eastern timezone
In-Person Attendees Please See Updated COVID Information

GR 4.0 Interactive Workshop

Sep 23, 2021, 10:30 AM
Graham AB (In-Person & Virtual)

Graham AB

In-Person & Virtual

Workshop GNU Radio Core Functionality Workshop (Hybrid- Virtual & In-Person)


Josh Morman (Peraton Labs)


Work towards GNU Radio 4.0 is fully underway to the point that we are ready to invite developers to learn more about the specific changes to the Runtime and Block API, and try their hand at implementing new blocks (or porting existing ones) into the updated framework.

This workshop will detail the changes that will impact GNU Radio going forward and also serve as an opportunity to collect feedback about design decisions that have been made thus far by working together to "kick the tires". Some of the topics that will be covered in an interactive manner will be:

  • Modular Scheduler API
  • CPU Scheduler Design
  • Custom Buffer Interface
  • Block API
  • Block Creation Workflow
  • Improved PMT API
  • Performance Benchmarking

Please join us to evaluate the prototype GR 4.0 implementation ( - comprehensive feedback is very much appreciated at this point!

Primary authors

Presentation materials