Sep 20 – 24, 2021
In-Person & Virtual
US/Eastern timezone
In-Person Attendees Please See Updated COVID Information

Analog Devices: Introduction of the ADRF9002 and ADALM-PLUTONG

Not scheduled
In-Person & Virtual

In-Person & Virtual

Charlotte Airport Hotel, 2800 Coliseum Centre Dr., Charlotte, North Carolina 28217, USA
Sponsor Talk SDR Hardware


Robin Getz (Analog Devices)


The AD9361 (aka Catalina) from Analog Devices was introduced over 10 years ago, and quickly became the industry standard as the "goto" RF transceiver for many software defined radios and are exposed in GNU Radio in many different frameworks including UDH (B200, B210), IIO (PlutoSDR) and BladeRF. During 2021, the next generation device was introduced, the ADRV9002 (aka Navassa), and is quickly gaining adoption in similar devices.

Similar to previous generations, the ADRV9002 is a 2Rx 2Tx, highly integrated transceiver, but expands the tuning range to 30 to 6000 MHz, and enables lower channel bandwidth (12 kHz to 40 MHz) offering much better RF performance, by linearity improvements, and advanced features (like internal digital predistortion). Increased flexibility such as enabling the two internal LO PLLs to be routed to any Rx or Tx channel. (LO1 can drive Rx1, while LO2 can drive Rx2), or enabling Rx1 and Rx2 to run from different sample rates not only increase flexibility and opens up many different potential use cases, but also (unfortunately) increases system complexity.

This presentations will review the improvements in RF performance, architecture decisions made chip designers, and how that affects various hardware SDR implementations, and the PlutoSDR Next Generation (based on ADRV9002) that Analog Devices is working on that will work with the new recently upstreamed IIO blocks in 3.10; and will mention some COTs platforms based on the ADRV9002.

Primary author

Robin Getz (Analog Devices)

Presentation materials