Sep 20 – 24, 2021
In-Person & Virtual
US/Eastern timezone
In-Person Attendees Please See Updated COVID Information

Introduction to GNURadio with Python

Sep 21, 2021, 3:30 PM
2h 30m
Graham AB (In-Person & Virtual)

Graham AB

In-Person & Virtual


Wylie Standage-Beier


This workshop is a guided and hands-on introduction to using GNU Radio blocks, graphs, and systems with Python for beginners. The course will start with construction of an analog signal demodulator and will build a series of more complicated sub-systems. This course will demonstrate some of the benefits of using GNU Radio for building digital receivers and will cover more advanced concepts including Protocol Data Units, tagged streams, polymorphic types and development using gr_modtool. GNU Radio experience is not required but Python experience is recommended.

Secondary Topic GNU Radio Core Functionality

Primary author

Presentation materials

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