This is an open forum to ask questions and learn about open source licenses, such as those used by GNU Radio and other open-source projects in the software radio domain. Bring your questions about using, producing, publishing, and doing business using open-source software! (Note: We aren't lawyers, and definitely aren't your lawyer!
Join us for an open discussion forum and bring your technical questions and challenges specifically related to engineering with the USRP. If you want to learn about leveraging the FPGA for your SDR application you're invited to pre-watch the Ettus Research USRP RFNoC Technical Workshop Video --> [Here][1], you can download the content from this video --> [Here][2]… We’ll have Ettus Research...
The Signal Metadata Format (SigMF) has seen specification expansion and improvement, greater adoption, and a long overdue v1.0 release since the last formal workshop, and will likely continue to see growth over the coming year including greater integration into GNU Radio. This workshop will be held in two parts; the first portion of this workshop is suitable for all interested people and is...